My first dip into the world of melodramas was with a C-drama my mom asked me to watch with her about two years ago; we both ended up getting addicted to it due to the main girl's aversion to making intelligent decisions and the added love triangle that managed to stay relevant until the very last episode. I loved watching this show with my mom, despite being frequently annoyed and shocked by how many dumb things the main girl could do, as it was a chance to take time to bond with my mom and laugh. I never learned, until now, just how many types of melodramas there are and how many of them follow a lot of the same plot lines. Like telenovelas, this C-drama pushed the love triangle plot. The main girl had been obsessed with her grumpy classmate for plenty of years, while he never showed any interest in her at all. When a new classmate moved and joined her class, he managed to snatch her attention, creating tension between the previous boy and the new one. The show used the drama that would derive from the love triangle to push the plot and get the main love interest to discover he loves her too; eventually, all the miscommunication and tension gets resolved, following plenty of episodes of pure drama. This type of situation is often found in telenovelas. It has been interesting to learn and see how many plot lines derived from classic telenovelas appeared in the show I watched with my mom, and I hope to find more comparisons as the class progresses.
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